About Jan Amerman

Jan AmermanJan Amerman has a passion for empowering women to discover and live authentic lives consistent with their God-given purpose and gifts. Jan is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor and has a Masters in Counseling from Reformed Theological Seminary, coach education from the Institute for Life Coach Training, training and experience as a spiritual director. In addition, she has been licensed as a CPA since 1981. As a wife of 35+ years, a mother of 4 and a person with over 25 years of ministry to women, Jan brings a wealth of experience and wisdom to her role as Life Coach.


An endorsement from a law school associate dean, Jory H. Fisher:

Jan Amerman has a well-honed skill. She knows how to listen! After a conversation with Jan, you know you’ve been heard and you know your concerns are just as important to Jan as they are to you. She is blessed with many beautiful gifts and abilities including this one: she will encourage you, challenge you, and hold you accountable–all with a smile in her voice and a song in her heart. I wholeheartedly recommend Jan as a coach. With her by your side, you will be able to transform your life with intention and with joy.

An endorsement from family physician and professor of medicine Bonnie Dean, M.D.:

What a tremendous lady and what a great choice Jan is to help you with your life choices. She is a great choice for many reasons but I would like to focus on three:

First, Jan is insightful. She has the uncanny ability to sift through situations, identify problems, and develop CONCRETE workable suggestions to help deal with the real world situations.

Secondly, Jan is enthusiastic. These will be coaching sessions in which your coach takes an active interest and enthusiastically participates in your care. Jan has coached herself to change her career, her life, her weight, her health and I am confident she can help you.

Lastly, and most importantly, Jan is a kind, empathetic and compassionate person. She cares deeply about helping people and it shows.

In summary, Jan Amerman is an excellent coach and person. You can trust her to be a steadfast advocate for all those who choose to work with her.

Bonnie Dean, M.D.

An endorsement from client Nancy Morhack:

When Jan Amerman became my life coach, I was feeling a strong urge that something in my life needed a change, but I was groping in the dark for what that change should look like. Jan used many resources and her expert skill to direct me to define my values, strengths and needs. As we talked and prayed together, she guided me to a deeper understanding of myself which led me to focus on what type of change I was searching for in my life. Now after only four months of Jan’s coaching, I have a clear path which is directing my way to a lifestyle change. As a coach, Jan helped me to focus and gently led me to having a direction for my life, all of which has given me hope!

Nancy Morhack